Level Up Your Life:

AI-Powered Habit Formation

Another night scrolling mindlessly? HabitAI can help!
Our AI validation and gamified system make building good habits actually fun.
Download HabitAI and break free from the scroll!

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Unique Features

Let's be real, there are a ton of habit tracker apps out there.So why choose HabitAI?

Here's the deal: most apps leave you hanging.They're all about logging and checking boxes, but they lack the secret sauce to make habits actually stick.

HabitAI is different. We combine cutting-edge AI validation with powerful psychology to transform goal-setting into a game you can win.


Show off your badges to your rivals!

AI Validation

Take a picture completing the habit, we validate it using AI.

Earn Points

Compete on a global leaderboard, don't let them overtake you.

Daily Boost

Every day you complete a habit boost your points by another 10%.

James Clear

James Clear

The first mistake is never the one that ruins you.It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Why HabitAI works?

Sticking to new habits is tough. We get it. That's why HabitAI uses a powerful combo of cutting-edge science and engaging features to turn 'wish I could' into 'watch me crush it.'

AI Validation

No more wondering if you"re fooling anyone (especially yourself)


Points, badges, leaderboards – yep, we've got it all. HabitAI turns habit-building into a thrilling game.


Nothing fuels motivation like a little friendly competition. You can see your progress compared to others and push each other to the top.

Psychological Edge

HabitAI uses proven psychological principles like habit stacking and positive reinforcement to make building habits automatic.

Open Beta

Hey there!
I'm a solo developer pouring my heart into HabitAI.
Feeling stuck hitting those goals? Me too, man. That's why I built HabitAI.
But guess what? I can't perfect it alone. I need you fedback.
The Open Beta is our chance to work together, you and me, to make HabitAI the ultimate tool for guys like us. Let's get this done!
